Anxiety Resources for Parents

“Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action.” —Walter Anderson

WayPoint Academy believes that information is key to understanding and properly treating adolescent anxiety disorders. These resources are offered to provide insight and hope for parents struggling with anxiety issues in their families.

Is it normal teenage behavior or is it something else? These assessments may help you know how much your teen's and family's life are being affected by anxiety:

  • Teen Anxiety Test: Find out if your teen's anxiety could signify something more serious.
  • Teen OCD Test: Find out if your teen is experiencing the most common symptoms of OCD.
  • Teen OCD Severity Test: Designed to rate the severity of obsessive and compulsive symptoms in teens.
  • Family Accommodation Scale: Every parent accommodates their kids.  See if the level of accommodation your teen requires is typical or if it severely impacts your family.
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